Pharmaceutical & Lifescience

The search for innovative therapies has developed the Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences industry into one of the fastest growing industries in the world. However, patent expiry, fast-paced competition, changing government regulation and policy, new and changing data, and reporting standards create challenges that continue to be a cause of concern.

At Optus, we understand the challenges of this industry and have solution frameworks and service offerings that comply with the regulatory demands and help you achieve

  • Significant reduction in the clinical development cycle time
  • Reduction in time to market
  • Efficient knowledge management
  • Process optimization

The practice offers business aligned services in three micro-verticals: Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals, and HealthCare. Our flexible framework allows us to continually adapt to the changing scientific environment and methodologies. The core competency for the practice is Domain Consulting, Design Collaboration & Manufacturing, IT Services, BPO & Infrastructure.